Monday, October 25, 2010

Knowledge: How do technical communicators construct knowledge?


Our class discussion this time will take a practical turn although still grounded in theory. In discussing how TC constructs knowledge, we ponder on the different methodological approaches used and we gauge their validity and reliability. Thus, while reading the scheduled articles, bear in mind those guiding questions. We will use them to moderate our class discussion:

1)What’s the author’s thesis?

2)What questions does she raise?

3)How does she answer them? What are her arguments?

4)What counter arguments does she present or can you present against her claims?

To come up with professional critical ideas -- conclusive or speculative – try also to think on commonalities and divergence in both articles

The following are excerpts from our readings which I though present central idea of the articles. Tell us in class what you think:


Who has the privilege of determining what empowerment and emancipation mean in a given situation?

Who has the power to decide the nature and direction of social changes?


Drawing on philosophical, historical, and rhetorical studies of science, the very qualities that the critics most object to in science work are those that afford the most productive communal discussion. Conversely, the qualities that the critics most laud in subjectivist methods may also inhibit our ability to attain the intensive cooperative focus we need for defining and solving disciplinary problems.

You can also look for examples of research that you think is genuine and proves/disproves what it claims to do or else research twisted for other agendas other than those it states. Examples do not have to be academic; you can bring examples from your leisure readings or documentaries you watched.

Looking forward to starting the discussion with you,

Khouloud Khammassi

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